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Ivory Ants allocates a portion of the revenue from its Job Board to fund payments for people who leave employer reviews. At the end of the month, we randomly select a number of users who left reviews, and each of them gets $100 paid via PayPal, CashApp, or ACH Transfer through Stripe Connect (Stripe Connect signup here). We fund this using a portion of our revenue for that month, so there will be some months with more payments made than others, but a single payment won't be less than $100.

You can submit as many reviews as you would like, but only one will be eligible for payment per month. Feel free to space out your reviews by the month to maximize earning potential.

How can Ivory Ants do this?

As businesses partner with us, they can showcase their available positions on our job board. By fostering a thriving community, we ensure maximum exposure for these job advertisements. Consequently, this amplifies the value of the space on our Job Board, allowing us to offer a better product to businesses and generate additional revenue for our rewards program. In this symbiotic relationship, companies gain access to an expansive audience, while our audience is duly rewarded for their content.

Why does Ivory Ants do this?

We understand how devastating unemployment feels and we believe that if you have overcome your own struggles, it's important to lend a helping hand to others who are currently facing similar challenges. While we cannot guarantee that you'll make a fortune with us, we hope that we can put just a bit of money in your pocket, and maybe help you afford your favorite guilty pleasure.

  1. Eligibility: Only individuals who have worked for the employer may submit a review.
  2. Relevance: Reviews should be focused on the employment experience, including aspects such as work environment, compensation, and work-life balance.
  3. Authenticity: Reviews must be based on the reviewer’s personal experience and not second-hand information or hearsay.
  4. Constructive Language: Use respectful and constructive language, even when providing negative feedback. No use of profanity, offensive, or discriminatory language will be tolerated.
  5. Confidentiality: Do not disclose any confidential or proprietary information about the employer.
  6. One Review Per Employer: Each reviewer is limited to one review per employer to prevent spamming or manipulation of ratings.
  7. One Review Per Month: Each reviewer is limited to one review per month that will be eligible for payment. You may write more if you wish, but they will not improve your odds of winning that month.
  8. Moderation: All reviews are subject to moderation to ensure compliance with these rules. Reviews that do not comply may be edited or removed at the discretion of the platform administrators.
